ETIS Workshop

In October 2023, I organized a workshop on “Economic Theories of the Information Society” at CERGE-EI in Prague. The workshop was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (grant 22-33162M) and CERGE-EI; the program of the public part is on the poster below.

Apart from the presentations, the workshop also featured two unusual session formats. In “feedback sessions”, participants got together in small groups to give comments on each other’s papers. This was done with assigned roles to guarantee that each paper would be considered from various angles and in varying levels of detail. In “discussion sessions”, participants discussed bigger questions on the theoretical study of modern economies.

If you are interested in learning more about the workshop or the session formats, please get in touch! There will be at least one more workshop on “Economic Theories of the Information Society” during the duration of my grant, most likely in 2025.